Nightmare on Elm Street 2 & 3 Coming To Blu-Ray

On September 27, Warner will release A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (Review) and A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors to Blu-ray in a 2-movie set, report

No real details available yet but if they’re mashing up two flicks into one pack – and possibly one disc, expect it to be a bare-bones affair. But then, that’s not really a tragedy – I find the BD format more about film presentation whereas DVDs are the opposite.

One this is out, you can have the first three Nightmares on BD, and they’re the best ones before the series became completely neutered.

I find Dream Warriors far more gay themed than Freddy’s Revenge. You’ve got Krueger disguised as a female nurse physically seducing a boy, a sparkling, floating John Saxon, and well duh, the Wizard Master!

About the Author

Producer: Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor, Terror At Black Tree Forest

8 Responses to “ Nightmare on Elm Street 2 & 3 Coming To Blu-Ray ”

  1. I’m excited and a bit nervous about these coming out on Blu-Ray. They are definitely the best sequels in the series and certainly the only other entries in the series to contain the original’s sense of menace. However, I have the feeling that we’ll be kicking ourselves for buying these when they announce the BD boxset in six months.

  2. John…I sent you a email about Halloween 2 & 3 coming to blu ray from Universal in Oct. I would have thought you guys would have posted something about it and how Universal is screwing us with no special features. Instead you guys post information about a Nightmare on Elm St blu ray. Sad…Very Sad, considering Halloween is the reason we are all together on this kickass website. I’m sorry Halloween 2 & 3 coming to blu ray is more exciting than Nightmare on Elm St. 2 and 3.

  3. Completely forgot about H2/3 and the NOES news just happened to grab my attention yesterday while I had a sammich in my mouth. There’s no conspiracy.

  4. I’m gonna email Warner requesting a commentary by Jack Sholder on part 2. Maybe its not too late. They could just record it over the phone.

  5. Very surprised by the lack of special features. These are VERY big films within the horror genre, WAY CRAPPIER movies have got WAY BETTER features. What a crock. Reminds me of when Media/Video Treasures released those LP/EP Mode VHS tapes of Nightmares 2-5 back in the early 90′s. I still have those:) The sequels are forever doomed to lack special editions.

    As for Halloween 3, it’s ABOUT DAMN TIME! Favorite movie. Again, no special features…

  6. Why do the sequels keep getting such back-handed treatment? The old box set sucked and after the Infinifilm release of the original I was hoping the others would follow. No dice :(

  7. They need to release Halloween 4 and 5 on Blu Ray as well damnit. Excited to see number 2 coming in October :)

  8. To be honest, my favourite Nightmare on Elm Street where part 4 in particular and part 5 as it expands the plot of part 4. Hope they release those too. But actually I did like all the Nightmares till part 6 and they are all worth watching. Everything after the 6th movie made me sleepy while watching :p.

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