Archive for MBV Week

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My Bloody Valentine Theatrical Night (Video)

As we say farewell to My Bloody Valentine Week and Valentine’s Day (don’t know about you, but we’re feeling bloated from all the heart-shaped candy), here’s an all-encompassing video short covering Blood Thirsty Thursday‘s theatrical screening of the uncut version that Retro Slashers co-sponsored during the week.

My Bloody Valentine: Further Viewing For The Lovelorn

My Bloody Valentine Week here at Retro Slashers has provided in-depth exploration of the 1981 classic: second-guessing the villain’s identity, filling your head with trivia, waxing nostalgic, contrasting the remake, and going brokeback with the boys of Valentine Bluffs. That’s a lot of love. If you’ve watched the movie for the umpteenth time and realized [...]

My Bloody Valentine’s Blue Collar Machismo

Blue Collar is hot. It’s also so 70s and 80s. Let’s face it, when was the last time you saw men who looked like men working jobs that people really had? Yeah, it’s sad, ain’t it? My Bloody Valentine would be a good film by any standards of filmmaking, but the fact that it truly [...]

My Bloody Valentines: A Comparison

Remakes by their very definition are derivative. No matter how much a filmmaker injects new themes and ideas into a movie, the very fact that it is a recycled concept means that there will be various plot points and set pieces that resemble its predecessor, much like with a sequel. But it is how that [...]

Reassessing a Classic: MBV Then & Now

My Bloody Valentine was released on February 13, 1981, just as the slasher sub-genre was gaining substantial momentum. Halloween had started the trend proper, and Friday the 13th had solidified it as a moneymaker. Every studio wanted a slasher flick on its release schedule, and special interest groups were beginning to protest them everywhere.

My Bloody Valentine: A Mine of Information

Get your geek on with the aid of Retro Slashers’ time-coded trivia track – the perfect accompaniment to your next viewing of the original My Bloody Valentine. Spoilers ahead, obviously, and please make sure you’re watching the extended cut or the times won’t match up!